May 2008 Archives

Hello! This week it's a nice big splash featuring Ruby and her rotund new friend. Perhaps the alternate title for this piece should be, "Dude, Where's My Focal Point?"

I got this awesome gift the other day from Tam! Check out this Rika. Is that not totally sweet? She says FIE, BEGONE to lines, and they flee in every direction. I love seeing my gals and guys in different styles, so refreshing! Thanks again!

And thanks to everyone who wished me well last week. I've conquered the cold, or whatever it was, and I still have a few chunks of lung left that I didn't cough up. Hooray!

I have here an Episode 250 for you, hot off the grill. That seems like a nice round number! Bite-size, yet filling.

Right now I have the worst cold that I've had in years. It's like my ears and nose have been sewn shut, and someone hit me square in the ribs with a bowling ball. I think I need to just start wearing a SARS mask everywhere I go so that the world at large stops infecting me with its terrible diseases. Plus, that way I could draw some totally sweet shark teeth on it or something.

Rice Boy has ended! I was a little surprised with how quickly it wrapped up, but it was a suitably ambiguous conclusion to a strange little journey. If you've never read it, or haven't in a while, now would be an excellent time to catch up. It's rare to find a webcomic with such a unique visual style that's so thoroughly engaging.

Good gravy, it's Episode 249! A little good news for Rika, and some potentially bad news for Ruby, who may want to consider beating feet out the door. But maybe we've got the maitre d' figured all wrong...

I have a sneaking suspicion that moving back to weekend updates may be a little more difficult than I'd anticipated! Gonna try to really pound the canvas this week. Wish me luck.

Episode 248 is present and accounted for. Ruby finds herself in an increasingly sticky situation... and with the odds stacked against her in with the substitute body, a hasty retreat may be in order! So much for those brownie points with Rika!

Once again, thanks for being patient. Crunch time at the office, you know how that goes. Still haven't finished a new oekaki, but I aim to fix that.

Echochrome looks pretty amazing. I've been waiting for another good puzzle game to come out, and it looks like this should fit the bill nicely.

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