November 2004 Archives

You knew that this would lead to shenanigans, didn't you? C'mon... you knew it. Let's just hope that Rika's spine holds out for a little while longer. I'm gonna be taking this week off for the Thanksgiving holiday, so that I can spend some time with my folks and friends. OHP will be returning on December 3rd.

I got 4chan-ed over the weekend. That was kinda amusing.

Alien Hominid is totally fucking great. I really hope it sells well so that the Behemoth can continue to make quality games. They made one hell of a first impression. That said, BUY IT.

Have a food-filled Thanksgiving! See you soon!

That's What It Was. Cultural Orgasm.


Mission Complete! The reward is, of course, naked hugs.

I made a small update to the cast page, if you wanna take a look. So mysterious!

News proper later. For now... I need some fresh air.

I Am a Lab Rat. That Is a Sad Fact.


She's in! Sweet God in heaven, she's in. Well... most of her. That'll do.

I'm working on the RSS feed again (seeing Josh work on it gave me a mental nudge to give it another go). Hoping to actually get full comic syndication in there, rather than just the news posts like it's been for the past year or so. Even so, if you subscribe, you'll know the very second I upload the comic, since updating the news post triggers it. Ah, technology!

America had an election.

Alien Hominid is coming out around the 17th! Here's hoping it'll offset some of those BLAH video game purchases of late (Silent Hill 4, Neo Contra, Guilty Gear Isuka...). Till then... I'll just play Gradius until my thumbs bleed. Oh, too late...

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