August 2003 Archives

I'm a Detective.

Back from my break! I'm all moved in, so weekly updates are once more a GO. So here's this week's episode! We all know that the best games are topless games.

Silent Hill 3! It's amazing. Bought it and played through it this past week at night with all the lights off (the only way to play survival horror games, y'know). It's by far the best in the series, and it has replaced SH2 as My Favorite Survival Horror Game. Equal parts stylish as hell and creepy as hell. Also, watching Douglas deliver his lines in his underwear is by far the funniest thing in recent memory, aside from Johnny English. I love Rowan Atkinson. But I digress. SH3 makes me really wish Konami would give the original Silent Hill a facelift a la MGS: Twin Snakes. It's begging for it. Anyway!

Your votes have shot OHP way ahead in the Top 150! We made it up to number 40, which I think is totally fantastic. There was a definite increase in traffic around here, some of which I'm hoping to keep around as new readers. So for those of you who are new to OHP, hello! Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Like Magic is currently up to page 10. I'll pimp Slipshine once again, and tell all y'all to go have a look-see if you like them NUDIE COMIX. I'll bet some of you do! Call it a hunch.

At some point in the next few weeks, I'm gonna try to reorganize the news and comic archives, so if the site suddenly goes all to hell, there's no need to fret, I'm just screwing around.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from August 2003 listed from newest to oldest.

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