August 2004 Archives


Everybody loves a good throw-down, so I humbly submit this week's episode. Queen lays to rest any ideas that she might actually be one of those nice people that are frequently misunderstood: she's actually kind of a bitch. Oh well! Live and learn, Pepito.

This week there are three fantastic gifts, all featuring the one and only Pepito D'bo. RPin pits Miz D'bo against that foxy Samara from White Hydra, and Allyson dresses Pepito up in her favorite Earth duds. Thanks, guys! I also found a completely adorable Pepito by Neko no Tsuchi over at Art Fu's oekaki board, but I can't comment and couldn't access the profile page for an e-mail address... So Neko, if you're reading, thanks! I love it!

I posted the ad that I was running over at Girly in the art section. Yep.

Okay, that's it for now. Time for me to get back to work on comics.

Showdown! Queen finally gets a full introduction, but this certainly can't be good news for everyone's favorite sheepdog-haired ditz. Who will win: French Maid or Dominatrix?! For the curious, that's not a naturally bifurcated tongue. Chop chop.

For those visiting for the first time from josh l.'s Girly, hello! May your stay be filled with purple lesbians and naked cyborgs.

Vote if you want! That'd be extra sweet.

Warning for those with short attention spans: long post ahead!

Some of you might be glad to know that the school year is fast approaching for me. This will help with keeping the update schedule a little more consistent, since I won't be dealing with a 9 to 5 for a while (or rather, a 1 to 9). I hadn't anticipated such a heavy workload, mostly because I hadn't anticipated joining ranks with the management at the frame shop I work at. It was sort of a lucky break on my part, because I'd applied just after the previous lead walked off the job; having some previous management experience, I was pretty much a shoe-in. Unfortunately, it also means that I'm in charge of the store a lot of the time, which is both exhausting and greatly demanding of most of my time (free and otherwise). When I get home at night, I don't feel like drawing. Not because I don't like drawing anymore, but because I'm too tired to concentrate on anything. All I want to do is sleep.

During the day, all I want to do is draw. But, when you're running a retail store, you don't have time to steal away and work on comics. Lunch is just long enough to eat. There's really no free time except on my weekends (which this week happened to be Sunday and Monday). And then, after being cooped up in a store all week, I want human contact that's more substantial than the superficial sales bullshit. I want to drink lots of booze and sleep in until the afternoon, cruise around town with the music turned up and hang out with my friends doing stupid things and having fun.

So, the eternal dilemma: Do I make comics, or do I socialize? My solution so far has been to go 50-50, and the result is that the comics have been pretty late. I hope y'all stick with me through this. Believe it or not I'm still really having fun with the comic; it never feels like work. I look forward to completing more of it every day. I guess I just want to say thanks to the people who don't mind waiting a little longer to get the latest episode, because it makes me feel good.

Alrighty, kids. I gotta sleep now.

Mambo #8.

Back to more urgent matters! That little (big) body is just full of surprises (and jiggles).

What a terrible week it's been. I'm not gonna go into detail, but it's been pretty bad. Trust me on that one.

What's good, though, is the cute little gift we've got this week from Amberdrake! It's an absolutely darling little pixel Pepito. Thanks again!

In case you missed it, I posted three of my paintings in the art section.

Okay, that's all for now. I need to get some shut-eye before I get back to being a wage slave.


What, you thought I was gonna resolve last week's cliffhanger in a timely fashion? Well, you were wrong if you did. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you, but it was about time we checked in on Rika and Ruby-in-Mai. Ah, love.

Hey now, new month! If you could fling a vote or three my way, you know what that'd make you? A better person, that's what! That's, uh... whenever BCx is reanimated from the dead, much like some sort of Frankenstein's monster.

Lesson Two of OHP History is up! Just in case you somehow missed it.

Just because I'm hella late don't mean I'm skipping a week. Next update comes next weekend, so see you then.

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