April 2006 Archives

And so, after the longest yard of the home stretch, the latest chapter of OHP comes to a close. Good lord, a hundred and ninety-three pages! This here comic is getting thick. Looking back on it now, it's really something to see the marked progression in drawing style and character personalities. It's been four years, now! I guess that's bound to happen.

Normally when we reach the end of a chapter, I take a break for two weeks. However, since I've finally landed a job (hooray!), I'm going to be putting the comic on hiatus for the time being... at least until I adjust to my new schedule. It's good timing, really, since I start this Monday. I'm not exactly sure yet when OHP will be resuming, but the break will give me time to catch up on a bunch of things, such as finishing the tarot project, and redesigning the site. It may end up being a surprise when it starts up again, but I'll make note near the top when it's nearing GO TIME.

A cute gift came in last week! Itamiko presents us with an adorable scene featuring OHP's alien cast enjoying a day at the beach. Pepito is, of course, acrobatic enough to take on both Julian and Ruby at volleyball. Thanks again!

I've restarted my FurAffinity account, since it looks like they've finally laid all those nasty server problems to rest. Thank goodness! I've been jonesing for some community gallery action lately, so it couldn't have happened at a better time.

If you're looking for something neat to read a couple times a week, check out A Dog's Life. It's a collection of really simple vignettes that always seem to hit all the right chords. Good stuff!

As usual, I'll be floating around in forum limbo if you'd like to pop in. Should any fan art come in during the hiatus, I will most definitely update accordingly!

Anyway, that's enough jibber jabber. Thanks for reading!

There's Some Kinda Magic Inside You.


Here's the latest page! The end of the chapter draws near! Once again, I abstain from the April Fools Day shenanigans. Oh, I've got ideas, sure... but there's something about the day in general that bugs me. Since I'm sure I'm not the only one, consider this a loving embrace in the face of adversity. Also, where is everyone? It's quiet as hell around here lately. ;A;

If anybody's feeling ambitious, the OHP Comixpedia article could use a good dusting and polishing! You don't have to go by the official cast page, but it's a good guide for getting started. Minor characters are fair game, too!

OHP's been slowly climbing the ranks at BCx! Thank you for voting, those of you voting! If you'd like to get in on the hustle-OHP-to-the-top action, vote every day!

April's a fantastic month for horror movies this year. Naturally, everyone's waiting with bated breath for Silent Hill, but while you're salivating and fidgeting, you should definitely go and see Slither (from the same guy who brought you the unexpectedly great Dawn of the Dead remake). The marketing for this poor thing was practically nonexistent, but don't let it get swept under the rug: if you love goofy horror in the style of Evil Dead and Shaun of the Dead, Slither won't disappoint. Rarely is the going rate for a movie ticket worth the hassle these days, but I dare say the cost here is completely justifiable. I wouldn't be surprised if James Gunn became the next George Romero.

Tranquility 6 came out a few days ago. I've been a long-time fan of TQ, but I've got to admit... this latest installment sucks. Pop-in? And shooting? For fuck's sake, guys. That's not why I started playing. If I want to shoot things, I'll play a first person shooter, thank you.

And last but not least, I've finally got an interview lined up. It's not an art job like I'd hoped, but it'll be money in the meanwhile. Wish me luck!

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