January 2005 Archives

Lonely Rolling Star.


OHP returns! And so does Zukie, for that matter! What, you didn't think Queen would really get away with that, did you?

Two awesome gifts this week! The first one comes for Monsieur Ink, with the very first gift featuring the lovely Miss Anya! Being psychic certainly has its perks, especially if you like the attention... Man, such great T&A. Big enough to make a snazzy wallpaper, too! The second comes from Emerarudo-chan, who gives us a darling pic of everyone's favorite purple cannibal lesbian, Pepito! Cute cute cute (and naked). Thanks again, y'all!

Last week was sort of interesting because I received my very first legal threat (woohoo!), from a big news agency, no less (score!). However, it ended up not even having anything to do with me or OHP specifically, so the end result was almost a little disappointing. So please, readers, if any of you are lawyers and are planning on threatening legal action against me in the future, make it more topical so that everyone here can get in on the fun. Thanks!

Lately I've been itching to start work on Like Magic again, but just haven't had two seconds to even think about taking on extra projects. I guess basically I've been wanting to draw more smut, and I like doing comics more than individual oekaki. Maybe I'll make a pin-up this weekend.

Anyway, time to get back to schoolwork. See you fine folks next week!

Ridge 256.


Things aren't going so well for the younger Miss D'bo. The lesson here is to never underestimate someone with a penchant for dishing out pain... hindsight is, of course, always 20/20. What will she do?! What CAN she do?!

I've unfortunately gotta take this week off so that I can get up to speed in my academics, in which I'm falling a little behind. The next update will be on January 28th, but I may have some tidbits between now and then. If in doubt, drop by the forums and say hi.

Resident Evil 4 is totally awesome. That's all I need to say about that, really.


Diamond Cutter, DA! DA! DA!


MAN that was a lot of sound effects. My poor drawing hand. Looks like even the most cunning bounty hunter in the known universe has a hard time thinking his way around that sort of interrogation. Better luck next time!

I was going to post some digital pictures I'd taken in this news post, but not only does it look like my card was formatted incorrectly, but I also had a hard drive failure. So, digital pictures are the least of my problems right now (though I am sad that it looks like I'll be losing a dozen pictures that I can't exactly replace). I love technology.

Making OHP on an LCD is way easier than on my old CRT. I can actually see pixels again!

Polaroid Girl.


Happy New Year, everybody! 2004 was kind of a weird one, so let's try to forget it happened, okay? I'm ringing in 2005 with the latest episode of OHP, which is almost as good as a New Year's hangover. But nothing beats one of those, right?

That gorgeous Pyro joined in on the birthday deal and gave me this downright sexy gift of two certain Earthling ladies... So hot. Thanks again, Pyro! You are like three kinds of amazing. I will update the gifts section shortly.

Hope all of of you that wanted to sign up for some CRAZY awesome site hosting plans took advantage of Dreamhost's holiday deal. They haven't changed their pricing back yet, though, so if you wanna try your luck and attempt to squeeze in on their triple bandwidth offer, have a look!

Also, why not give OHP a few votes over at BCx to kick off the new year? That would be rad.

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This page is an archive of entries from January 2005 listed from newest to oldest.

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