December 2004 Archives

Future Proof.


Doing something a little different for the holidays this year, hope y'all don't mind too much. I used to dislike this time of year (despite my birthday being smack dab in the middle of it), but lately it's been growing on me.

Speaking of birthdays, I received a fabulous gift for mine this year from Allyson that just warmed my heart. It is so darned cute. Rika and Mai look so adorable. Thanks again!

The page seems to be completely falling to pieces since I left town for the holidays. Sadly, since I don't have my personal archive handy, fixing some of these things is not quite as easy as it normally would be. I was able to restore the main index here without too much trouble, but episode 74 has a fairly obvious problem that I'll be fixing as soon as I return. Also, for the meanwhile, I've disabled the poll system I was using since it's making the main page load at the speed of cold molasses. I'm setting up a new one that should work like a charm.

Hope the holiday season is treating y'all well. The next time I report in, it'll be time for a new year. Holy shit, where'd the last one go?

Right Way to Hold a Spoon.


Sup! Episode 137 is ready to go! And what's this? Does Julian have some sort of ace-in-the-hole for resisting the irresistible Anya?

Today I'm finishing up finals, and driving home for the holidays. This has been kind of a lousy quarter for me academically, since I got stuck taking a class that I ended up not needing, that will only be bringing my cumulative grade down. Oh well, that's college, I guess. I'm on holiday now, so who cares!

The 20th is my birthday! I like this day of the year, because I get to be even lazier than normal. Have a White Russian some time on Monday and celebrate with me!

In closing, the new Massive Attack album is so good. MAN.

Oh, I almost forgot! Dreamhost still has their insane bandwidth offer going until the end of the month! 8 bucks a month for 120 GB of bandwidth, folks! It doesn't get any better than that. Sign up today!

To the Full Extent of the Jam.


Hello! I am updating the comic on Friday again. It's a crazy world, I know. Just what has Julian gotten himself into?... Don't use auto-fire, man! They'll know!

Gift art! There's 3 new pieces in this update! Klest, Madadric, and Kaly, thank you! Happy day!

I don't take in a whole lot of anime these days, but every once in a while I catch up on things I've been meaning to watch or that come recommended to me. Berserk is one that's been getting obscene amounts of praise, so I went ahead and dug in. While the vast majority of Berserk was great, never before has a series screamed HOLY SHIT WE RAN OUT OF MONEY END IT QUICK quite as loud on the final DVD as this one. Highly disappointing, especially since the first five DVDs were so much fun. Oh well. I need more gory fighting stories to watch.

Just a reminder! Dreamhost is currently rocking everyone's socks with insane bandwidth. 8 bucks a month for 120 gigs of transfer! Seriously, folks. It's fuckin' nuts. It lasts a lifetime, but only if you sign up during the month of December! Check it!

There's a Pah-Pah-Pah-Pah-Party Goin' On.


Now that I've gotten a proper rest, here's some real news!

First of all, Friday comic update! Oh my! They're quite rare these days, like some sort of endangered comic species. Two more character introductions means two new entries on the cast page, so have a look if you are so inclined!

Added a new link to the right there, to an adorable little comic called Pawn. This one popped up on a mailing list a few days ago, and I couldn't help but tear through the whole thing. SO CUTE. It's got naked ladies, but since I'm guessing you folks probably like naked ladies, it ain't no thang. Also, if you don't already, read Acid Keg, because the writing is simply genius.

It's a new month, so if you like voting, please do!

BY THE WAY! Have you ever wanted to have your very own website, but weren't quite sure who to go with? Want no more, because Dreamhost is currently having the deal of the century. For the month of December, even on their smallest hosting plan (which is about 8 bucks a month), you get a minimum of 120 GIGS OF BANDWIDTH for the life of the account. Yes, that is one-hundred-and-twenty GIGABYTES. It's insane. I am almost positive that there has never been a better time to start a website. Click here, or enter "blockmind" as the referral, if you could!

See you next week!

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from December 2004 listed from newest to oldest.

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