February 2005 Archives

I'm Gonna Love You Till The Wheels Come Off.


Good god, what a busy Friday that was. I don't operate well on an hour of sleep, and that's all the fuel I had to make it through the day. But somehow, I managed to finish this week's episode. Honestly, I don't even remember completing it or posting it.

I finally finished the OHP History Lesson. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it's a little side-project I was working on which explains how some of my older comics evolved into the one you're reading today. Have a look!

I also updated the FAQ. That's not really all that interesting, though!

There were radical gifts this week (including one if you voted for Girly on Tuesday)! I haven't posted them yet, but I will!

I'm still working on responding to e-mail.

I Can Only Think in Job.


Interesting implications, indeed! There's a political power play in motion, but the shadow man's true intentions are still a mystery at this point. What secrets does the amulet hold about its true owner?

Academics are burning me out again. Just two more quarters and I'm done forever, though. Then I'm through with you, learning! I'll show you.

I just started playing Metal Gear Solid 3, even though I got it over the holiday. So far, I don't really like it. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. YOU'RE MAKING GD SAD, KONAMI. STOP IT. (p.s. Tell Treasure to make more Gradius Fives.)

That's all!

Puppy Whirl.


What could this mean...? What's the truth behind this mysterious artifact that Zukie's been carrying around? Queen seems to know, and that might spell trouble for our sisters. And everyone else, for that matter!

Because I'm a terrible creator, I totally forgot that OHP's third anniversary was on the 22nd of January. My punishment is that I'm being served buffet style to hungry K'babans.

Not much news this week. It's been sort of quiet! I did play through the arcade version of Battletoads, though, after a prompt on the forums. It's been a while, but I love that game. Why doesn't anyone make good side-scrolling beat-em-ups anymore? It's a dead genre. I was tempted to get Guardian Heroes Advance, but if all the stories about insane slowdown are true, I'd rather spend my money on something else. BOO.

Good night.

My word! It looks like that dastardly Lady Q's got more tricks up her sleeve than she's letting on! Just what are the Sisters D'bo gonna do now?!

Two fantastic gifts this week! That darling mully gave me a totally amazing Zukie, rendered in unprecedented realism! You have stolen my heart away. How cool is that! Pogojesus delivers a companion Pepito, pondering the deep mysteries of life. Cuteness overload! I heart you guys.

Now, I sleep. NANITE.

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