December 2003 Archives

Sycamore Trees.

I'll bet you thought I wasn't gonna update! Boy, were you wrong. I'm even putting this one up a little early, so that I might get to bed at a (somewhat) reasonable hour tonight. So, here's my holiday gift to you. Have at it!

There are two swell new gifts this week! One is a cute pairing of Pepito and Plum, of Bizarre Uprising fame, by Matthias. The other is a sexy little number (careful, there's a nipple) by Cheezy, featuring OHP's two current female attractions. Thanks so much, you guys. You've lifted my spirits this holiday, for certain.

I think that's all the important stuff. If I think of more, I'll let you know. Hope y'all have had a sexy holiday season!

La Gazza Ladra.

Well, I'm on time this week. Let's all celebrate with Episode 94. Cheers! As you can see, things are not exactly working out very well for our fair Pepito. Karma's a bitch!

According to the polls, your preference for Pepito's wardrobe is of the Emperor's New Clothes variety. Tsk tsk! What would your mother say? Runner up was the Earth garb, so I'm gonna assume that the hat is a popular fashion accessory. New poll coming soon!

Nothing else terribly new going on around here. I would say that the BCx ad campaign was a major success, since OHP has been getting all sorts of crazy traffic and exposure. I'll have to do that again some time soon!

On a final note, it's my birthday tomorrow. If it's anything like last year's, it'll be mostly a blur. Thank goodness!

Herbs, Good Hygiene, and Socks.

Have this here comic! If you're wondering why Pepito looks so distressed, remember that Ruby weighs about 500 pounds thanks to all that machinery. That's one heavy butt!

So like, now I'm on winter break for a month. Hopefully that will give me enough free time to get the jump on the next few weeks of comics.

I switched the news posting system here over to MoveableType, because the system I was using (read: doing it all by hand in HTML) was getting annoying, and the news archives page was getting unwieldy. I'm sort of learning as I go along, which is the way I do almost everything. You can now subscribe to the OHP RSS feed, if that's your thing! However, since I don't hard-code any of the links to local things on my site, the clicking of links may not work very well if you read the site externally. I'm going to try and integrate it better with the comic pages in the near future. This is going to make updating so much easier, though.

I guess there's no more news! For those of you voting, thank you! OHP has been cruising right up the list thanks to your support!

You Can't Escape the Danger.

This sure was a long time coming! I totally miscalculated the amount of free time I had over Thanksgiving weekend, and I guess I kinda blew it as a result. Oops. Here is a comic!

There are two absolutely marvelous gifts this week! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To everyone visiting from BCx, howdy! I'm usually (marginally) better at updates than this. No, serious!

Speaking of which, it's a new month, gang! Be sure to vote OHP ahead in the Top 100! Thank you!

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from December 2003 listed from newest to oldest.

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January 2004 is the next archive.

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