December 2006 Archives

Happy Holidays, all! Hope the season's been good to you, and all that. I come bearing gifts, in the form of Page 195. Espionage action is a GO.

A couple weeks back I jumped onboard over at ComicSpace, which seems to have gotten off to a quick start. I'm normally not too big on the gigantic networking sites, but I figure one centering around comics and webcomics might be worth a shot. I am, as they say, all up in that.

Did you know that the second season of Twin Peaks is finally coming out on DVD here? I am so excited. I hope they decide to do a reprint of the first season (with the pilot this time) to commemorate the occasion. That would be marvelous.

Speaking of marvelous, I hope you went and saw the new Bond movie. It's really good. Mads Mikkelsen is a perfect pick for a Bond villain... Better than Orson Welles or Peter Lorre as Le Chiffre? Maybe not, but he's so well-cast here that he definitely gives them a run for their money. Daniel Craig ranks up there as one of the Better Bonds; Sir Connery still holds the crown for Best All-Around, but Mr. Craig has definitely got something going with this rugged, rough-and-tumble angle. Parkour chase? Yes, please. Here's hoping he sticks around for a few more.

That's all for now. See you next week!


Eight months have passed since Our Home Planet got stuck in Hiatus World, but those days are finally at an end. Besides, what happens in Hiatus World stays in Hiatus World.

I have to say that I'm really happy to see the excitement over OHP's return. I wasn't exactly sure what the reaction was gonna be, but it's been quite positive so far! I'll do my best to make it worth your while.

Haven't been up to a whole lot outside of work... though, a good portion of my video gaming has been occupied with God Hand, which is, in a word, jawsome. Not for everybody, but the diehard fighting anime fan who's not afraid of a (steep) challenge is in for a treat. Clover had a knack for making games that are ridiculously difficult to put down, and this one has been no exception. Plus, all of the ladies have Jiggle Factor 11, which never gets old if you like your ladies jiggly. I know I do.

I'll keep this one pretty brief. To readers new and old, thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Hey gang!

OHP is coming back on December 20th. I'm sharing my birthday with all y'all. Come celebrate with me next week!

While I was away, three wallpaper-type things happened; there's an Anya, a Queen, and even a Ruby! Gendaru even made super hi-rez versions of the first two (Anya here, and Queen here). How hot is that?

See you soon!

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