November 2005 Archives

I'm a Cup!


First splash page in a while, since the holidays are always busy for me. OH GOD, one-and-a-half more weeks and I'm finally done. This comic has seen me through my college years. Is that weird?

Hey, I drew another thing! This one features Pepito, boobs, and a hunk of ambiguous meat. YUM! I've been on an oekaki kick lately, I'm hoping to keep doing one a week for a while. I keep forgetting how fun they are!

I've really been getting the itch to start Like Magic up again. I know I've said that about a billion times since I stopped, but I've actually been thinking about it a lot lately. New story arcs keep popping into my head, and I'd like to give it another whirl now that my skills as an AR-TEEST have improved a bit since I started it. Once I move back north in December, I think I'm going to give it a go at least until I find a job.

I've been working on this silly academic project on and off for a few weeks, which I'll most likely post here upon completion so you can see what's been competing for my attention lately. It's a bit unusual for me, since the assignment is heavy on the political side (and I'm not a very political person), but it has eels and cowboy boots in it, so you might enjoy it regardless. Eels are cute because they always look both angry and surprised.

On time-ish comic this week! Julian's ventilation shaft sneaking comes to an abrupt and noisy end, though where he's ended up, who can say! Rhetorical questions have this nasty habit of manifesting themselves in sudden and unpleasant ways.

Hey, there are gifts this week (some of them dating back a ways)! Four, to be exact, and three-quarters of which are a little on the naked side! Doodle-kun gives us a naughty little number featuring Mai and a precariously tipped glass of vino; Rapps presents us with a cute little Ruby pinup (who's actually not so little, if you want to get technical); and Rob sends in a sexy Pepito, who is enjoying one of her favorite activities. And then there's one piece which isn't OHP related, but I wanted to include it anyway: Cheezy made some Like Magic arts, featuring our two tailed protagonists (one in a rather compromising position)! Gift-tacular! Thanks again, y'all!

Eat Day approaches! This is one of a my favorite holidays, since it revolves around one of my favorite activities. Readers abroad: I will eat in your honor.

Here is a comic, wherein Lanogan's special power is revealed. For those who've been confused, yes, Lanogan is actually male, and yes, he is the fourth member of Queen's team. He is also one of the few people on board the ship who could fight an 18-wheeler with his face and come away the victor.

I made an oekaki for the first time in a while! Ruby fans, rejoice: there's plenty of her in this one, and she is plenty naked.

Holy crap, we're halfway through November already. What the nuts.

God dang, that took a million years. But, it was completed at last. An introduction for Mr. Lanogan has been a long time coming (but all good things are worth waiting for). To answer the obvious questions, no, Lanogan doesn't mind the cold, and yes, Professor Oliva's favorite color is blue.

I found myself a little sick when I woke up this morning, so I'm pretty wiped out. I'll be updating the cast page a little later in the week, though I really need to get around to redoing it completely. These projects tend to build up after all the procrastinating!

You Ate My Fucking Schnitzel.


Here is a comic! Ye Gods, OHP is just awash with new faces these days. And suspense! Oh, the suspense. You get 100 Cool Points if you can identify the emblem in today's comic without cheating.

Did you know that they just recently produced a new edition of the unabridged Hitchhiker's Guide? This one's done up all classy-like, with a black leather hardcover, cloth bookmark, and gold leaf (a much sexier affair than the blue deal you probably have on your bookshelf). It's also about half the size, go figure.

I have been a very bad boy, and have been playing We &hearts Katamari pretty much nonstop all week. I CAN'T STOP ME. THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP.

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