June 2012 Archives

Hello again! It's been a while, but here's Episode 295, anyway. Rika and her body-confused friend find themselves at a crossroads. Bacon or sausage? Pancake or waffle? One breakfast or two? This can only be settled with an eating contest.

As it turns out, I may have slightly miscalculated the amount of time required to get House GD in order. I knew home ownership was a parade of fix-'em-up projects, but I wasn't quite expecting a three-ring circus. We're still living out of boxes, but most of the furniture's arrived and there is a growing sense of stuff being where it ought to be, rather than spread out evenly across the floor. This is all well and good, but what scares me is that I'm finding myself getting excited over finding deals at the hardware store and the kitchen and bath outlets. I got old and I didn't even notice.

I made a brief appearance in Los Angeles, staffing Sega's booths at E3. Worked first party for the first time, which wasn't quite as fun as wrangling things in Sega's booth proper, but it was nice to see people genuinely excited about our games again (Jet Set Radio and Hell Yeah! in particular). Didn't get to see much of the South Hall between shifts, but we were right next to Atlus' booth in the West Hall. My greatest takeaway from the show? Zeno Clash II is finally coming. Yessssssss.

Ah yes, that "we" bit from earlier. Rin and I are currently trying our hands at domestic life, after a wild and crazy cross-country car trip through the deep south. Go say hi and ask her to draw things!

That's all for now! I'll be heading out of town to work San Diego Comic Con pretty soon, but once I'm back at basecamp, we can continue with these ladies. Stay tuned!

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