December 2012 Archives

Steven, We're Stuck in a Loop.


Whoah, Episode 296? Rika and Mai-via-Ruby are still in pancake limbo, but a gnawing curiosity draws Mai deeper into Tammy's breakfast dungeon. Or, perhaps it's just a kitchen. Either way, it's gonna get messy. Pancakes and syrup flying every which way, bits of breakfast meat shrapnel peppering the walls and unlucky bystanders. Only one can emerge victorious, but it's going to be costly.

Time's really been getting away from me lately. I don't know how some of my contemporaries are able to juggle adult life with the whole cartooning thing, but I suspect this is one of those life lessons that you learn by tumbling head first into the deep end. On the plus side, things have been going really well. Moving into a new home has been a positive life change for both Rin and myself, and we're finally feeling like the place is "ours". There's a lot of work left to do, but for the first time in a long time, things feel genuinely stable.

Work has had its ups and downs, but employment remains steady in an incredibly tumultuous economy. 2012 seemed like the year the video game industry was going to (once again) collapse under its own weight, but here we are, limping into the new year. I spent most of the summer and fall going up and down the west coast, flying the Sega banner at our major trade shows. I've been told that working cons isn't fun, but truth be told, it's been a welcome change of pace. I think I like being in the thick of it.

My new year's resolution is to make a genuine effort to get back into the swing of things here. I miss having a weekly comic, and I'd like to make it to the finish line while I still have (natural) color in my hair. OHP has had an extremely long run, and it's grown and changed with me a lot over the years. While it's not the story I thought I'd write eleven years ago, it's the story I'm glad I did.

Happy 2013, folks!

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