August 2007 Archives

Certain Victory Lotus Sutra Tune.


To round up this chapter, we're once again peeking in on Julian and his new pink and cuddly friend in Episode 228. Unfortunately, Julian's ace in the hole wasn't very foot-resistant, but he might be just a ping away from salvation!

So I guess OHP got POE-ed? I'm honored, or something! Got some free traffic out of it for a couple days, anyway. If you found your way here from over there, and find yourself inexplicably liking what you see, welcome! And I'm sorry.

What can I say about BioShock that hasn't been said by pretty much everyone? It takes all the best parts of shooters and RPGs, and crams 'em into one fantastic experience. It's the most fun I've had with a video game in a while.

Look, Mr. Bubbles! It's an Angel!


Thanks for being patient! Here's Episode 227. The truth comes out at last (in a sticky mess). Rika discovers she may have a deficiency in her knowledge of alien anatomy. Zukie may have done this on purpose.

I've been finding some great new webcomics the past few weeks. I'm gonna have to update the list, soon! If you're not already following it, you'd be doing yourself a favor if you started reading Rice Boy. Seriously!

Readers, I was so good. I didn't touch BioShock until the page was done! But now I've got some business to attend to with Big Daddy.

Duckbill, Watermole, Duckmole!


Episode 226 is going up in a Mostly Finished State! There are a few effects missing, which I'll be adding in later today. Rika’s mood has greatly improved, thanks to this unusual high. Pepito and Zukie seem to be enjoying it for other reasons, however! Oh, you bet I’m drawing this way out.

Chapter 7 is drawing to a close, but not before finishing on an appropriately unfinished note! It’s hard to believe that so many weeks have already passed since the hiatus. You know what they say about the flying habits of time, though. What I’d really like to do is start putting out two pages a week, so that we’d have more than two chapters a year. I'd really love to make a job out of this some day. I’m still scribbling out t-shirt ideas, but I’m having a hell of a time coming up with a design I’m happy with. For some reason, nothing I’ve made looks like a good t-shirt design. Maybe I’m thinking about this the wrong way. I’m gonna try some simpler designs this week. Thanks for being patient. With any luck, you’ll be able to wear some OHP in the near future.

What a crappy Sunday. Overtime and morning shift combine to form Sucktron. Sometimes I wish I was still a college boy, living in a magical fantasy land where I answered to no-one but Old Man Hunger. Times were simpler, mostly because I could just not show up if I wasn’t feeling it. Unfortunately, that stunt doesn’t transition quite as well in the real world. How unfair is that!

Girly came back, y'all! With a slightly different art style, format and color, to boot. I bet having more than just one thin column to do the strip is a lot easier! If you’re not already reading Girly, you need to fix that, pronto.

Oh my goodness, I can’t wait for BioShock. Finally, a retail 360 game to be excited about!

Ptah, the El Daoud.


It is now officially time for Episode 225. Suddenly, a tiny nuclear explosion of information in Rika's poor, human brain! Maybe we weren't cut out for antennae, but I think we might've gotten the short end of the stick.

I think my favorite night of the week has become Thursday. The local college radio station, KCSM, has a show called "All Out" from 10 at night until 2 in the morning that plays nothing but freeform, improvisational and experimental jazz. It's amazing to hear stuff like this on the radio.

Marathon on Live Arcade?! What a crazy world we live in! I can practically smell the 90s wafting out of my television screen.

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