October 2007 Archives

I Remember When I Lost My Mind.


Fresh off the presses, here's Episode 234! A certain stoic android returns to center stage to demonstrate what makes him so useful to Queen & Company. Could it be that asymmetrical hairdo?

Just in case you were wondering what exactly was going on with me last week, two grandparents suddenly had serious heart-related issues at the same time. Thankfully, both of them are real fighters and came out on top following a few rounds of surgery. Needless to say, I was a little preoccupied. Thanks for sticking with me, though!

All of sudden there is a veritable tidal wave of must-have media breaking over the rocks. Video games, movies, you name it. Where was all this stuff over the summer, I ask you?! My wallet can't take this kind of punishment! The holiday season isn't the only time of the year you're allowed to publish your shit, Video Game and Movie Industries!

Episode 233 is here! Julian's change of strategy tips the odds back in his favor, and leaves Pinky a little short of breath. He may have a lucrative career in softball waiting for him!

Does anyone have experience with tablet PCs? I've been thinking about investing in a laptop at some point in the (distant) future for comic-making on the go, and that seems like the most logical solution. Any anecdotal suggestions (either for or against) would be helpful. What I'm most interested in is the durability and accuracy of the drawing surface, though a nice laptop for general computing wouldn't be unwelcome, either.

As you may have guessed, I was lured in by the siren song of the Orange Box. So much awesome in just one little package! I can't believe I waited so long to play Half-Life 2. Much like its little brother, it really shines as one of the most cinematic shooters around... and yet it never really feels like you're being led by the hand. Now, if only Portal wasn't so short...

Ladies and gents, it's once again Comic Time. Episode 232 has arrived fashionably late! Never one to turn the other cheek, Pinky strikes back at our nimble and similarly-colored Prince. As usual, she's ready to meet the challenge head-on; or is that head-first? The battle continues next week!

Didn't get a chance to oekaki like I wanted, but on the bright side, I'm back to a normal work schedule this week, so maybe this time around. It's amazing what getting more than four hours of sleep every night will do for your outlook on life! I think what I need to do is just get out of video game QA entirely, because it's awful.

Speaking of awful, holy SHIT was Resident Evil 3 a stinker. Absolutely terrible! But at least this has been a zombie-movie-filled year (with more to come!). How often does THAT happen? The answer is, "not often enough".

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